Mark your calendars to join us for our 10th Annual Backyard BBQ Smoking Competition!
Saturday, June 7th
Every year, all of the proceeds from this Holy Smoke Competition go toward a selected person to be blessed by Rising Sun. Stay tuned for the donation recipient selected for this year…
1:00PM - Car Show
3:00PM - Family Activities
4:00PM - Meat Sampling
($5 donation per plate - funds raised go toward our donation recipient!)
6:00PM - Awards Ceremony
BBQ Smoking Teams
Do you like to smoke meats? Gather a team and enter our competition!
Registration opens on March 17th at 12:01AM (the first to register get first pick of the meats!)
Event Times
Set up for the competition will be any time after 5pm on Friday, June 6. A team meeting will take place in the gym at 7pm sharp. The award ceremony will be at 6:30pm on Saturday, June 7. The top two in each category, the Reserve Grand Champion and the Grand Champion will receive a prize.
Smoking Categories
Each team will cook the following categories: Whole Turkey, Pork Loin, Pork Butt, Brisket, and Fan Favorite – a side dish to be voted on by the public. All 4 meat categories will be provided. Teams will need to provide their own ingredients for the “Fan Favorite” category. All competition entries will be judged in the following three criteria: Appearance, Taste, & Tenderness.
Entry Cost
Entry cost is $75 for a team. All proceeds will be given to this year’s donation recipient. If you’d like to know the Competition Rules, click here. We have a capacity of 14 teams, so register with the BBQ Team Registration button today!
Car Show
Have a cool car and want the chance to show it off? We’d love to see it!
Event Times
The Show begins June 7th at 1:00pm.
Top 10 & People's Choice. Awards will be presented at 6:00pm.
Entry Cost
Early Registration is $15 and Day-Of Registration is $20. Early registration opens May 1st. Your entry fee will include 2 meal tickets to the BBQ Competition. All proceeds will be given to this year’s donation recipient.
Family Activities
All activities are free to attend - begins at 1pm.
Inflatable Bounce House
50/50 Raffle Drawing
Snow Cones
Temporary Tattoos
And more to come!