Prayer Requests

Dick Story (Judi Norman’s brother) passed away last night. He was 88 years old. Please pray for the family as they grieve. (1/16/25)

Dan Snelson is back in the hospital with an infection after his surgery and is in isolation at this time. Pray for healing and health. Also pray for Deb's strength and health as she cares for Dan. (1/15/25)

Scott & Paula Seiberling have a lot on their plate right now and have added the custody of Lars' two toddler children. We are praying for their wisdom, health and strength mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.  We are praying for the future of the children also.  (1/14/25)

Charlotte Anderson still has pneumonia. She’s at Younkers Rehab at Iowa Methodist. They’re running lots of tests to find out ways to help her. Please pray for her healing. (1/14/25)

Michelle McMillan (Cindy Melvin’s sister) just had an MRI and they found an area of suspicion. She will be doing chemo again, however, this time they will monitor her at the hospital to make sure she has no allergic reactions. (1/16/25)

Cindy Melvin has shingles on her body - very painful! She will see doctor today. Please pray for her healing. (1/16/25)

Donna & Bill Bennum's granddaughter, Kahlani was born 12/9/24 and died 1/6/25. Please pray for the family as they go through this difficult time. (1/7/25)

Tedd Norman had tests and x-rays on 1/3 and is now on a temporary list for a New kidney. Now the doctors have to meet to vote in the next three weeks on his condition to see if he qualifies for the transplant. We are diligently praying that he will be put on the permanent list and be able to receive a new kidney very soon. (1/7/25)

Gabe Lee left on 1/5to visit his mother Malaysia and will turn home by February15. We are praying for his travel safety and for the family in his absence. (1/7/25)

Kathy Good has herniated disks in her neck which is causing a lot of pain.  Neck fusion surgery is very serious so they are waiting as long as possible before doing surgery.  She is also experiencing a lot of numbness, pain and burning in her left hand because of severe carpal tunnel, and she needs to have that surgery first on 1/17. We are praying for continued wisdom and discernment for her and the doctors as they move forward and that she will recover completely without complication or setback. (1/7/25)

Leila Bergis (Dawn Anderson’s 81-year-old mom) has been released by her surgeon with no restrictions and is continuing with outpatient therapy to continue to build her strength in her hip, mobility and confidence. She has a very loving and supportive family who helping her as she continues to recover. We are praying for her physical health, strength and confidence as she moves forward with her life. (1/7/25)

Julie Norman’s brother was very ill for a few days and went to the ER. The bleeding in his brain stopped, his vision is back, and he was able to come home today! All his symptoms are gone. (1/7/25)

Sgt. Andrew Skiles and his wife Chantal Skiles are preparing to leave to his post in Germany. Praying the Lord goes before them and provides a hedge of protection around them. (1/3/25)

Sonya McNeal Scadden (Carol Smith’s cousin); on top of everything else she now has an infection, pneumonia, and covid, and is running a fever. She is a 37-year-old mom battling liver and pancreatic cancer. She had to have surgery to clear a blocked bile duct. She is taking chemo and 12/23/24 started radiation for the tumors on her spine that are causing her a lot of pain. She has two small children to care for but needs to sleep a lot and try and keep some food down. Her doctor hopes to start radiation treatments soon. Pray for her complete healing this side of heaven and for her children’s future.  (12/31/24) 

Bryan Hawley died of a heart attack Sunday morning 12/29. Please hold the family up in prayer. (12/30/24)

Please pray for the family of Mark Hallem whose home burnt to the ground. (12/19/24)

Sara Beth Fouch, Gary Cox’s aunt who is nearly 90 years old, has recently broken her ankle and hip, so is in therapy in Columbia, Missouri. Please pray that she has a complete and quick recovery and is then able to return to her own home in northern Missouri or is able to accept whatever is best for her future. (12/30/24)

Kenny Croson (Terry Whitney’s cousin) passed away 12/18. Please pray for the family during this time of grief. (12/20/24) 

Staci Gray (Brent Whitney’s cousin) had good news, as her cancer markers are normal, and CT scan looked good. She is to have her fourth major surgery to fix a leaky fistula in her abdomen. She is only 55 years old and has been struggling with digestive surgeries and issues for over a year; her only nutrition comes from nutritional IV’s prepared especially for her. She is hoping to recover so she may be able to get out of the house and live life. (12/20/24)

Jim Hoffman is getting better and is at Valley View Village Rehab. He is more stable and is walking better, not sure how long he will need to stay. Please pray for him and Nita. (12/28/24)

Brad Davison (Brenda Depauw’s brother); his cancer has returned, and he is now taking chemo again. Please be praying for him. (12/29/24)

Wayne Hohl (Friend of Judi Norman) had surgery to remove a cancerous thyroid and frontal lymph nodes. The surgery was successful, and he will not have to have further treatment. Pray for full recovery and that he will remain cancer-free. (12/29/24)

Bill Passat (friend Judi Norman) had a small occipital stroke in the back of the brain which should resolve itself in two to three months. He is walking with a cane and his speech cleared up; they are hoping he will recover in two months, so please  pray for full recovery. (12/29/24)

Jane Smith has a Basal Cell cancer spot on her right bottom eyelid. We are praying God will remove it. She is to see the doctors again in the middle of February for a procedure to remove it otherwise. They are doing ok, and we are praying the eye procedure will be 100% successful without any complications.  (12/28/24)

Mervin Vaughn (Tina Rain's’ uncle) had to have a heart valve replacement on 11/13. He is back home and recovering well, which is an answer to prayer. (12/27/24)

Petey and Erica Peterson (Tracy Hutchinson): Petey passed after a long hard battle with health issues. Please pray for the family as they grieve during this difficult time. (12/6/24)

Melvin and Jane Miller have had a long haul with health issues. Melvin is recovering after knee replacement and Jane is finally getting better after her second surgery and some other setbacks. We are praying for their health and strength mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. We are also praying for a long period of time without any health issues, complications, or setbacks. (12/28/24)

Diane Scholz is continuing to rehab at Park Ridge Care Center in Pleasant Hill. She has a spot on her hip and is waiting to hear back after the first of the year on test results. We are praying for her to regain her health and strength and a good report. (12/28/24)

Jessica Scholz is dealing with new life circumstances and figuring out how to become more independent and self-sufficient. We are praying for her to have wisdom and discernment in her life choices and decisions in learning how to live independently and on her own and for her to be strong mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. (12/28/24)

Mario Lara is still dealing with tinnitus, but it is a little better again. We are praying the ringing will go away in his hearing. He also needs new glasses. We are praying for his wisdom in maintaining balance of work and rest in his life. Also praying for his health and strength as he continues to serve the Kingdom. (12/30/24) 

Karen Boeding (an individual Linda Gibson is sharing Christ with) had cancer surgery at the end of September, and the cancer has returned and spread to her bones; as a result she is having a lot of pain. She is an active person, but activity causes pain. She is doing pretty good right now. She is not having many negative side effects (except lethargic now and then), and she is to have a CT scan the end of January to see how she is progressing. We are praying for her healing, both physically and spiritually. Linda is staying in touch with her to continue to share Christ’s love and the gospel message of hope with her. (12/28/24)

Kristin Lampkin (Paula Kieler’s friend’s sister-in-law) is in her early 30s and has stage four breast cancer, and it is a fast- spreading cancer. She is not doing well and has a lot of bone pain. She is starting a new trial treatment. She was in the hospital last week but got out in time for Christmas. We are still praying that God will give her physical healing this side of heaven. (12/28/24)

Travis Brannon (Fay Thompson) is having trouble standing and walking, so his mother Sara has been trying to care for him at home, but has several health issues and pain of her own. He has had to move into a care center until he can gain strength and mobility. He is able to get around some with a walker but will be in rehab for some time. We are praying for the health of both. (12/20/24)

Shelah James (Fay Thompson) has been dealing with a perforated bowel, and she is back home in Adel with a lot of help getting back on her feet. We are praying for her complete recovery. (12/30/24) 

Patty Manny (Fay Thompson) is 80 years old, and her cancer has returned; she is opting for no treatment at this time. She is still able to be in her own home with family help but is pretty much homebound. We are praying that she will be able to enjoy each day God gives her as she ends her life journey and prepares to step into the presence of her Creator. (12/30/24) 

Carl and Marilyn Evan (Fay Thompson): Carl is battling Parkinson’s disease and dementia and has had to be moved into a full-time care facility. His wife Marilyn is struggling with anxiety and guilt at not being able to continue to be his caregiver. The financial burden of the care center is creating even more stress in her life. He was able to come home for Christmas which was a blessing. We are praying that God will wrap His arms around them both and give them comfort, strength and peace and for her financial stability. (12/30/24) 

Carol Huntoon (Donna Bennum's sister) was taken by ambulance to the hospital yesterday. She has Influenza A and pneumonia (1/20/24)   

Kayla Bennum (Donna and Bill Bennum’s daughter) has struggles with multiple mental health and addiction issues. She finished her treatment in Florida and appears to be doing some better and is to return to Des Moines area around January 10th.  She still needs prayers to stay clean and stay on her medications that stabilize her. We are praying for a hedge of protection around her heart and mind to protect her from evil’s desire to destroy her mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. We are also praying for a healthy, stable consistent reconciliation and environment for Micah who struggled emotionally with not having his mom around for Christmas.   Micah won’t be able to go home for close to a year because of the circumstances. We are praying for a  happy and peaceful home environment when it happens.   (12/28/24) 

Kathy Harris (sister to Louise Bennett, Michelle Boh, and Amy Dickey) is overall much better and is now home, but she has to go to dialysis three times a week. We are praying for good health, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. (12/29/24) 

Louise Bennett has PVD (Peripheral vascular disease), and her retina is collapsing and detaching from her optic nerve, causing a blood vessel to burst in her eye which has caused a blind spot in her right eye. Her eye is doing as well as can be expected at this time. We are praying that her eye will heal completely and not get any worse. She is still having trouble regulating her blood sugar and diabetes which continue to run low. (12/29/24)  

Daniel Perkins (Louise Bennett's brother) has cellulitis which causes pain and mobility issues; however, it has improved. He is on medication to help clear this up. We are praying for a speedy and complete recovery. (12/29/24) 

Kris Wolf’s brother-in-law Jeff has reacted well to his infusion treatments for his cancer, with no bad side effects. We are praying that God intervenes and heals his body of cancer; if He doesn’t, this is not a cure. We then are praying the time he has left can be quality time with family and friends. (12/28/24) 

Vanessa Merrill (Valerie Merrill’s twin sister) has pancreatic cancer. They have her medications figured out, and she is in chemotherapy treatment at this time. She has a few good days  between treatments where she feels pretty good. We are praying for Vanessa’s complete healing this side of heaven and for the family as they go through this journey together. (11/26/24)  

Chad Goodhue (friend of Jane Smith) had surgery on his leg for a wound that is infected and not healing; the had to remove the steel rod to help it heal. He is walking with a boot and hoping they will not have to put a steel rod in his leg again.  We are praying his leg will heal right and quickly without needing any more surgeries. They appreciate all the prayers they can get. (12/28/24) 

William Hawley (Amber Egli’s 91-year-old Grandpop) is home continuing to recover after breaking his hip. He is ne tough and determined man. We are praying for his complete recovery without any complications or setbacks and for him to be filled with peace during this time. (12/29/24) 

Don Chamberlin is recovering very well after his open-heart surgery. He is walking every day and getting stronger. His breathing and lungs are improving as well. We are praying for his continued health and strength as he keeps moving forward in his recovery process. (12/28/24)

Jenny Muggenburg has finished her chemo and radiation after having her tongue replacement surgery after her cancer. She is to see her doctor again this 12/30/24. Still no news as to when she can start swallowing again. We are praying that she heals without any complications, and that she will remain cancer-free. (12/28/24)  

Scott Seiberling is continuing his therapy and recovering after his shoulder surgery. We are praying God’s blessing on their finances during this time and for his mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health and strength as God leads him through this recovery process. (12/30//24) 

Evan (Liz Rhodes’ grandson) had more treatments in the hospital on 12/27/24, but continues to do well, and God has already blessed him with cancer remission. The whole family is growing closer to God and each other as they go through this life journey together. Romans 8:28. (12/28/24) 

Harrison and Krista Terrill (Chad and Staci Terrill’s children): Everything is going as smoothly as they could hope for their baby at this point, but he will have several ongoing health challenges. Hudson will continue to have health challenges, but Mom and Dad are trusting in God to help him be all God created him to be, to His honor and glory. We are praying God will bless Hudson physically and spiritually as he grows and fulfills God’s purpose in his life; he is doing better than expected so far. Everyone is excited to spend Thanksgiving together.  (12/30/24) 

Baby Avaiya Reed (friend of Judi Norman) is having some issues with her blood pressure and heart rate droops at times, she will have to be seen at IA City again she is home now and able to eat normally; she weighs over eight pounds now. We are praying that she continues to grow and be healthy physically without further complications. Her mother is Lexie Leach, (12686 SE 64th Ave, Runnells) and Avaiya’s great grandmother, Kim Oaks, said she was sure she would appreciate prayers and cards. (12/29/24)   

Judi Norman is having several health issues. Because of her servant’s heart and ministry to others, she has a hard time slowing down. We are praying for pain control and successful solutions for her health needs, and for those she serves and love for Christ. (12/29/24)

Alan Rockhold (friend of Judi Norman) had extensive heart surgery and also has Guillain-Barre (gee-YAH-buh-RAY) syndrome, a condition in which the body's immune system attacks the nerves, causing weakness, tingling and numbness or paralysis in the hands and feet. He out of the walking and using a cane. He looks better and is improving. We are praying for a full recovery without further complications. (12/29/24)   

Gary Haag (friend of Judi Norman) had Y-90 Radiation Bead shot into his liver for seven hours for his liver cancer treatment and is now cancer free. He looks good and is feeling pretty good; he has regular checkups to track his progress. We are praying he remains cancer free now and in the future. (12/29/24)  

Todd Norman had a knee replacement and is still having lots of pain and stiffness; cold weather is very painful. Doctors advise continued exercise. (12/29/24) 

Jeannine Derrough (neighbor/friend of Vickie Doerr) just found out her cancer has returned.  She was just trying to eat clean and healthy and trust her body to stay healthy. She had to have 9.5lbs of fluid drained from her stomach. We are praying for her healing and for her to stay strong mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. (12/29/24) 

Stefanie Gibson (Dave Gibson’s daughter) has completed radiation and is now doing a round of chemo treatments every 21 days until April. She has her next treatment 12/30/24 and usually gets a bad rash/itching after each treatment. We continue to pray for long-term continued physical healing and her walk with God. God is answering prayers for her physically and spiritually. (12/28/24) 

Rod Haenschen (Dave Gibson’s brother-in-law) had a spinal fusion procedure done to help with pain caused by the cancer in his spine. He is also able to periodically get shots in his spine to help with pain. There is no cure for him at this point, and doctors are just trying to keep him comfortable in the time he has left. We are praying God will touch their hearts with the love and hope of Christ and draw them closer to Him before the end. (12/28/24)

Ron Pauley (friend of Judy Bumpus) had bloodwork on Dec 18 and again on Dec 23. After 12 days into taking cancer meds and his hemoglobin was over 12, and staying stable! WBC and RBC are hanging in there so far. Minimal side effects with the lower dose. God is supplying Ron’s strength. He celebrated his 70th birthday with lots of family. Unfortunately, his PSA went up four times to 66. Scans showed liver lesions had actually shrunk some. Bone scan showed an uptick nothing new just possible growth in his bones. They may want to freeze the liver lesions while they’re shrinking. They settled on doubling the meds he’s on now and checking PSA in 2 weeks to see what it shows. Please pray for the meds to work on the cancer and not the blood, for God to use Ron in whatever capacity he can be used, for the cancer to be gone, and for Ron’s tolerance of the meds. (1/9/24)

Evelyn Shivers is getting a little stronger, but at 95 is still dealing with age-related issues. She has been going to church with her granddaughter Brook and husband and is enjoying that.  She loves visitors, and you can visit her at any time at her granddaughter Brooke’s home where she now lives: 5926 160th, Indianola (go out past the Casey’s and Fisses in Carlisle). If you’d like to send her a card, still send them to 15298 Elthon St, Carlisle, IA 50047. We are praying for her continued strength and mobility. (12/28/24) 

Martha Miller (Kris Young’s mother) has lost the strength in her legs and is no longer mobile. She is in hospice care at home and using her wheelchair to get around. We are praying for her and the family as they continue to share life together. Bob and Kris are still her primary caregivers. Your prayers, cards and words of encouragement are greatly appreciated by the whole family. (12/28/24) 

Jennifer Lourens (daughter of Les and Ruth Lourens) is doing as well as she can, but she has had a bad respiratory virus. We are praying for her health and for her to continue to enjoy life and the love of her family. (12/28/24)  

We are praying for  Ruth and Les for their health and strength, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually as they navigate life’s challenges. (12/28/24) 

Kyler Lenox (friend of Nita Hoffman) is doing well. He is 13 years old, living in Fremont, IA. He has a slow-growing brain tumor, which is typically only found in adults. His labs show that his tumor is stable and possibly even smaller, and they are monitoring him closely. He is doing well. His last doctors’ visit revealed that he was stable. We are praying for only good results and healing for his body. The whole family is extremely thankful. (12/29/24) 

Cara Flavio (Lori Cox’s sister) is still not able to walk without assistance and has limited-to-no use of her left side after her stroke. She continues to need therapy which has to be insurance approved to cover the cost. Pray for Max her husband, for his health and strength, he will be having an MRI on the 31st to see if there is something that needs to be done for his back pain. Your prayers and cards (Box 61, Concord, IL 62631) are greatly appreciated. Max, but his pain has minimized some during the last month. (12/30/24)  

Donna Seiberling (Scott Seiberling’s mother) is dealing with failing health. Scott’s parents are still able to live in independent housing. Donna is stable but still dealing with age-related health issues and she is not very mobile. We are praying for their health, strength, and her mobility to improve so they can continue to be together in independent living. (12/28/24)  

Josiah Waddle (Gary and Lori’s grandson) is overall doing better at this point and trying to make better choices with his life. We are praying for him to have wisdom, strength, and self-control to make good life choices, also praying for his emotional balance and that he will reconnect with Christ. He is currently seeking a job that will keep him busy and out of trouble. (12/28/24) 

Mya McClaflin (Doug and Paula Kieler’s 11-year-old granddaughter) is doing well but has to go to IA City every six months for checkups for her brain lesions. She is taking daily methotrexate pills, and weekly Humira shots. She also has a avulsion fracture of her ankle and will need to wear a boot for a couple of weeks to let it heal. We are praying she will go into complete remission soon. She is pretty much back to normal daily activity in her life as she continues her treatments. We are praying for God to heal her physically long term. (12/29/24)




Jacob Baird (son of Mike & Tina Rains) moved to 128 Sweeney Dr, Biloxi, MS 39531. Please pray for his safety and his faith walk. (10/1/24) 

Lucas Rains (son of Mike & Tina Rains) was not deployed. Baby Theo is healthy and almost 5 months old already. Their new address is 324 Borough Street, Cheyenne WY 82007. (12/29/24) 


Shut Ins


Evelyn Shivers: 18298 Elthon St, Carlisle IA 50047 

Evelyn Downing: Prairie Vista Village. 2785 1st Ave S, #165b Altoona, IA 50009 

Dianne Scholtz: Parkridge Nursing and Rehab Center, 5800 NE 12th Ave, Pleasant Hill, IA 50327. (515-664-5606)

Pat Wolfe: 4006 71st St Urbandale, IA 50322

Ray & Hazel Anderson: Prairie Vista Village. 2785 1st Ave S, #14E Altoona, IA 50009



1/2 - Raegan Ranfeld
1/2 - Bill Quinn
1/2 - Ruth Lourens
1/3 - Megan North
1/6 - Gianna Wiedmann
1/6 - Charlotte Anderson
1/7 - Emmalinn Shivers
1/7 - Titus Kramer
1/7 - Gabriel Reeves
1/8 - Evelyn Shivers
1/9 - Lauren Patterson
1/10 - Leslie Lourens
1/11 - Beckham Schutte
1/11 - Kris Wolf
1/12 - Kaylona Torres
1/14 - Vickie Doerr
1/15 - Chuck Patterson
1/17 - Evan Rowland
1/18 - Scarlett Machir
1/18 - Larry Juhl
1/19 - Sophia Clark
1/19 - Robert Fouts
1/20 - Kimberly O'Neill
1/21 - Mandee Shivers
1/22 - Bev Shivers
1/23 - Diane Rullestad
1/24 - Hudson Daggett
1/25 - Bauer Schutte
1/25 - Abigail Hurley
1/25 - Judi Norman
1/26 - Bryndell Shivers
1/26 - Geoff Knutson
1/27 - Wilma Bobenhouse
1/28 - Rebecca Gonzalez
1/28 - Dan Smith
1/29 - Eavan Howard
1/29 - Madison Rowland
1/29 - Heather Stemsrud
1/30 - Caleb Van Klompenburg
1/30 - Samantha Patterson
1/31 - Melanie Newman
1/31 - Collin Kueter


1/2 - Chad & Stacy Terrill
1/3 - Michael & Sarah Gonzalez
1/19 - Zach & Catie Merrill
1/29 - John & Dawn Knutson