Children’s Ministry
We have a desire to teach your kids about Christ in a fun, safe, and loving environment. Join us in our crazy, energetic, goofy, Jesus-loving activities!
Sunday Mornings
After you check in your child, they can stay for Kids’ Worship at 10:00AM until you check them out after service.
Nursery (Infant-PreK)
Our nursery is open and staffed by various volunteers. Check in your child at the nursery counter.
Interested in volunteering in this ministry? Send Nancy a message to see how you can help!
Kid's Worship (K-5th Grade)
Drop off: A volunteer will check in your child at the check-in counter and give them a name tag. Once they have their name tag, they will go to the kid's area upstairs. The kids will remain upstairs until worship service is over, unless you choose to check them out early.
Prayer Partners | Grades K-6
We’re looking for teens and adults who’d be interested in becoming Prayer Partners with our new class of Kindergarteners and kids that have joined us this year. A Prayer Partner is someone who builds a relationship with a child and greets them at church. You can exchange notes or small gifts, but most importantly - pray for each other!
If you’re interested in joining, fill out the questionnaire on the prayer partner table and put it in the box on the table. This is a great time to catch up with your prayer partner if you haven't chatted in awhile. If you have any questions, contact Nancy Rogers.
An Out-of-the-Box Christmas
Watch our Kid’s Christmas Musical Performance!
Warning: Viewing the entertainment provided may result in excessive joy and laughter. :)
We want your kids to join our choir!
We begin practicing for our Spring Performance The Tale of Three Trees on February 16th. All kiddos in Kindergarten thru 6th grade are welcome to join for this irresistible musical arrangement!
Upstairs Kids Area • Nancy Rogers, Teri Janes, & Kate Tatro
Sundays from 5:00PM to 6:15PM