3/23 - Healing Waters
John 5:1-18, 2 Samuel 5:6-10, Isaiah 26:19, 29:18, 35:4-5, 61:1-5
Mat → Pain, Sickness, Paralyzation, Sin, Brokenness
What “Mat” have you been holding onto for years?
What’s the difference between us holding on to our “Mat” and our “Mat” holding on to us?
How would you answer the question today, “What do you want?”
How would you respond to a John 5.4 criticism?
Why do you think Jesus healed the 38-year Paralytic and not “Frank”?
How would you respond to a follower of Christ that you care for, who hasn’t been healed yet?
How would you respond to a Non-Follower of Christ that you care for, who hasn’t been healed yet?
3/16 - Tax Man
Luke 5:27-32, Matthew 9:9-13, 12:7, Mark 2:13-17, Psalm 51:1-17, Hosea 4:1, 6:6
What is something we can do this week to notice people like Jesus did Matthew?
How do we help others who may feel they are not “good enough” to come to Jesus
How can we be a better “hospital for the hurting” at Rising Sun?
Who are your “Tax Collectors” in life?
Gospel of Matthew Summary (Pt1)
Rabbis and Disciples (1st BC – 2nd AD)
3/9 - Four Friends
Luke 5.17-28; Matthew 9.1-8; Mark 2. 1-12; Proverbs 17.9,17; 18.24; 22.24-25; 27.6,9,17; 16.28; 13.20; 12.26; 1 Corinthians 15.33; Job 6.14; 2 Corinthians 12.9; Exodus 34.10
Describe four of your friends: Who are they? How long have they been your friends? Why are you friends with them? What is the craziest thing you’ve done with them?
What does it take to be a good friend?
Read one of the selected passages today and share your favorite verse from that section with someone around you. What stands out to you in that passage and why?
3/2 - Something Scary in the Synagogue
Mark 1.21-28; Ephesians 6.10-20; Mark 1.16-20; Acts 19.15; Luke 4.31-37; John 10.10
How would you describe a demon? (Where did they come from? What do they do? Why do they do that?)
Do you believe you have ever encountered an evil spirit?
How do you help someone who is experiencing an evil presence?
2/23 - Fishers of Men
Luke 5.1-11; 23.23; Psalm 107.1-43; 69.14; Matthew 13.47-50; 4.17-22; John 4.50; 2.4; Isaiah 61.1-6; 51.9; Mark 1.16-20; Amos 9.3; 4.2; Exodus 32.18; Philippians 2.10; 1 Corinthians 11.1; Jeremiah 16.16; Ezekiel 32.3; Habakkuk 1.14-16; 2 Timothy 2.26
How comfortable are you with your vulnerabilities?
What is the largest fish you have ever caught? How many types of fish have you caught?
Would you describe your relationship with Christ as more of watcher or follower?
Do you play it safe at the shore or prefer going deeper in faith?
How many people have you baptized?
Who is someone you would love to baptize?
How many people follow you in life?
What is something you are going to think about this week because of the sermon?
What is something the Spirit is telling you to do this week?
Describe your best fishing experience.
How could you be a better “Fisher of Men”?
2/16 - Woman at the Well
John 4.1-29, 39-42; Jeremiah 2.13; John 3.24; Matthew 4.12; 2 Kings 17.24-41; Luke 9.51-56; John 1.14; Jeremiah 2.13; 14.8-9; Ezekiel 47.8-12; Exodus 17.5-7
How can you relate to this woman in John 4?
Are there certain people you avoid
How many ounces of water do you consume a day?
What is your go-to drink and why?
If you were to identify an icon in your life that represents life itself, what would it be?
What theological, philosophical, or doctrinal question would you want Jesus to resolve?
How comfortable are you with your vulnerabilities?
What is a cultural norm that should be shattered in my life?
What is your “go-to” process as you try to explain who Jesus is?
What is something you would be extremely uncomfortable talking to Jesus about?
What is one tool that you use every day and would be lost if you lost it?
What “water jar” do you need to leave with Jesus?
Do you want people to remember your name?